During Week 1 we took a quiz to reveal several FALSE views about the Trinity. We laid the groundwork by examining and comparing the 5 main views about God that exist in our world. We also learned a very basic (and understandable) explanation of the biblical concept of the Trinity.
During Week 1 we took a quiz to reveal several FALSE views about the Trinity. We laid the groundwork by examining and comparing the 5 main views about God that exist in our world. We also learned a very basic (and understandable) explanation of the biblical concept of the Trinity.
During Week 2 we investigated what the Biblical writers meant when they taught we are “made in the image of God.” How do we resemble God? We looked at the Bible and what it teaches regarding “the Father.” Is the Father a person? Is the Father called “God?”
During Week 2 we investigated what the Biblical writers meant when they taught we are “made in the image of God.” How do we resemble God? We looked at the Bible and what it teaches regarding “the Father.” Is the Father a person? Is the Father called “God?”
In week 2, we learned that the Father is God. But what about the Son? Is the Son God? What is his relation to the Father? What do we learn from observing his life, teaching, and activity?
In week 2, we learned that the Father is God. But what about the Son? Is the Son God? What is his relation to the Father? What do we learn from observing his life, teaching, and activity?
During Week 3 we saw several examples where Deity/Divinity is implicitly applied to Jesus. This week we unpack several instances where the biblical writers set aside all restraint and explicitly refer to Jesus as “God.”
During Week 3 we saw several examples where Deity/Divinity is implicitly applied to Jesus. This week we unpack several instances where the biblical writers set aside all restraint and explicitly refer to Jesus as “God.”
This week we dive deep into “the incarnation”: the truth about the Second Person of the Trinity adding the nature of a human to His Divine nature. If Jesus was God, how could He “grow” in knowledge? If Jesus was God, how could He be tempted to sin? We will discover the answers!
This week we dive deep into “the incarnation”: the truth about the Second Person of the Trinity adding the nature of a human to His Divine nature. If Jesus was God, how could He “grow” in knowledge? If Jesus was God, how could He be tempted to sin? We will discover the answers!
We have seen how the biblical writers described the Father and the Son, in this teaching we dig into how they described the Holy Spirit. Is the Holy Spirit a “force” or a “power” or is the Holy Spirit a “person?” And equally important, is the Holy Spirit referred to as “God?” We will discover the answers to these questions (and more!) in this final installment of this series on “The Trinity.”
We have seen how the biblical writers described the Father and the Son, in this teaching we dig into how they described the Holy Spirit. Is the Holy Spirit a “force” or a “power” or is the Holy Spirit a “person?” And equally important, is the Holy Spirit referred to as “God?” We will discover the answers to these questions (and more!) in this final installment of this series on “The Trinity.”
2700 E Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5M 1Y8
BROADWAY CHURCH (604) 253 2700 - CITYREACH (604) 254 2489
Charity #10681 2811RR0001 - Broadway Church. 2018
Broadway Church is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
“Broadway Church recognizes that we serve God upon land historically stewarded by the Indigenous peoples.
With all honor, dignity, and respect, we pray for and seek reconciliation, just as Christ has reconciled us.”