What does the word “Christology” mean? What does the word “Christ” mean? Those are the questions we're answering in today's lesson. And we're also having an overview of this seven week course.
What does the word “Christology” mean? What does the word “Christ” mean? Those are the questions we're answering in today's lesson. And we're also having an overview of this seven week course.
In week 2 we're diving into the following questions: Who was Christ prior to coming to the earth? Who was Christ prior to the creation of the world? What role (if any) did Christ play in the creation of the world? Where was Christ in the Old Testament?
In week 2 we're diving into the following questions: Who was Christ prior to coming to the earth? Who was Christ prior to the creation of the world? What role (if any) did Christ play in the creation of the world? Where was Christ in the Old Testament?
What does the word “incarnation” mean? Why was the incarnation necessary? How did the incarnation actually work? We're looking at attempts throughout history to understand the incarnation...
What does the word “incarnation” mean? Why was the incarnation necessary? How did the incarnation actually work? We're looking at attempts throughout history to understand the incarnation...
How did the incarnation play out in history? Why was Jesus born of a virgin? How did the virgin birth take place? What was the life and ministry of Jesus Christ like? We are answering all of these questions in today's class.
How did the incarnation play out in history? Why was Jesus born of a virgin? How did the virgin birth take place? What was the life and ministry of Jesus Christ like? We are answering all of these questions in today's class.
What happened at the death of Christ? What was the purpose of Christ’s death? We will look at some attempts throughout history to try to understand what Christ’s death accomplished.
What happened at the death of Christ? What was the purpose of Christ’s death? We will look at some attempts throughout history to try to understand what Christ’s death accomplished.
This week we are addressing all the attempts over the centuries to deny the resurrection. And we're answering the following questions: What happened at Christ’s resurrection? What evidence do we have today for the resurrection?
This week we are addressing all the attempts over the centuries to deny the resurrection. And we're answering the following questions: What happened at Christ’s resurrection? What evidence do we have today for the resurrection?
In this final week we are diving into the questions: What was the ascension? How did it take place? What was the purpose of the ascension? What does the Bible say about the return of Christ?
In this final week we are diving into the questions: What was the ascension? How did it take place? What was the purpose of the ascension? What does the Bible say about the return of Christ?
2700 E Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5M 1Y8
BROADWAY CHURCH (604) 253 2700 - CITYREACH (604) 254 2489
Charity #10681 2811RR0001 - Broadway Church. 2018
Broadway Church is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
“Broadway Church recognizes that we serve God upon land historically stewarded by the Indigenous peoples.
With all honor, dignity, and respect, we pray for and seek reconciliation, just as Christ has reconciled us.”