This Sunday at Broadway

Latest Sermon

The Power of Perspective

When Kingdoms Are in Conflict

Sunday, March 23, 2025
2024 Annual Report

A Look Back at 2024

From impactful ministries, to community outreach, this past year has been filled with growth, generosity and transformation. Check out the highlights in this video.

In the New Testament letter called ‘Philippians’, Christ followers are encouraged and equipped to center their lives on Christ, to embrace joy even in the midst of the most difficult circumstances, to walk in humility, and to trust God's ability to guide their lives. What is the key to achieving all of this? We’re going to discover that it’s all about changing and choosing your perspective in life.

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Past Sermons

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When Kingdoms Are in Conflict - The Power of Perspective Sermon Series
Darin Latham
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The Power of Perspective
Lewis Chifan
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The Gospel of Caesar
Simon Gau
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Putting Agape Love to the Test
Darin Latham
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How Agape Love Flows Through You
Darin Latham
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How Agape Love Works in You
Darin Latham
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A Closer Look at Agape Love
Darin Latham
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How to Stop Hiding from God (and Start Enjoying God)
Darin Latham
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The Proper Posture of Your Hands
Lewis Chifan
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The Proper Posture of Your Heart
Simon Gau
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The Proper Posture of Your Head
Darin Latham
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The Vision of Broadway Church
Darin Latham

Broadway Shorts

Latest Sermon Series

The Power of Perspective

In the New Testament letter called ‘Philippians’, Christ followers are encouraged and equipped to center their lives on Christ, to embrace joy even in the midst of the most difficult circumstances, to walk in humility, and to trust God's ability to guide their lives. What is the key to achieving all of this? We’re going to discover that it’s all about changing and choosing your perspective in life.

Watch here

Broadway Worship

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Firm Foundation (feat. Luc Mvono)
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Praise You Anywhere
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Bless God
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Broadway Worship
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Won't Stop Now
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Goodness Of God ft. Peace Adetola
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Glorious Day (REMIX)
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Do It Again + Great Is Thy Faithfulness + 'Tis So Sweet
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Great Are You Lord
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I Surrender
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King of My Heart
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Awake My Soul
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I Thank God
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Changed It All
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Broadway Worship
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Champion (Bethel)
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Great Things (Phil Wickham)
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We Praise You
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Graves Into Gardens
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Oceans + It Is Well
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Forever (We Sing Hallelujah)
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Way Maker
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Raise a Hallelujah
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Changed Il All
Broadway Worship


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UNscripted EP09 - Jemal Damtawe’s story (child soldier - overcoming addiction - haunted by the past)
Broadway Worship
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UNscripted EP08 - Lewis’s story (anxiety, calling, burnout, childhood, panic attack, doubts)
Broadway Worship
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UNscripted EP07 - Shiela’s story (mental health, forgiveness, suicide, homelessness)
Broadway Worship
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UNscripted EP06 - Andy's story (suicide - healing - grief - trigger days)
Broadway Worship
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UNscripted EP05 - Simon's story (miscarriage - youth church - trials - reaching the lost)
Broadway Worship
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UNscripted EP01 - Sydney's story (cancer fighter - angels - encountering Jesus)
Broadway Worship
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UNscripted EP02 - Darin's story (burnout - devastating news - calling - Beatles - stuffing emotions)
Broadway Worship
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UNscripted EP04- Desiree's story (Is God good? - woman in ministry - healing - confirmation prayers)
Broadway Worship
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UNscripted EP03 - Paul's story (adoption - God's voice - doctor or pastor?)
Broadway Worship
© 2025 Broadway Church. All rights reserved

2700 E Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5M 1Y8
BROADWAY CHURCH (604) 253 2700 - CITYREACH (604) 254 2489
Charity #10681 2811RR0001 - Broadway Church. 2018

Broadway Church is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.

“Broadway Church recognizes that we serve God upon land historically stewarded by the Indigenous peoples.  
With all honor, dignity, and respect, we pray for and seek reconciliation, just as Christ has reconciled us.”