Our Sunday services are modelled after Christ’s approach to the Sermon on The Mount. On that day, His challenge was to address a crowd of people from all over the religious spectrum - from Roman soldiers to Jewish scholars and everyone in between. Christ communicated in a way that all could understand. Our Sunday services are designed with a similar goal in mind: To communicate in a way that impacts the seeker yet also equips the believer.
Our Bible classes and discipleship ministries are modelled after Christ’s approach to those who sought Him out privately after hearing Him teach publicly. Christ responded to their hunger by providing them with further and deeper insights. Our Bible classes and discipleship ministries are designed with a similar dynamic in mind: providing opportunities for motivated people to interact with one another, while pursuing truth at a deeper and more personal level.
Our outreach strategy also includes meeting the needs of our community, our province and our world in very practical ways. Through the CityReach Care Society, we can mobilize our “why” by partnering with schools, running a food bank, feeding the underprivileged and organizing events for the families in our community. Through our Global Outreach Fund we mobilize our “why" by partnering with an indigenous church and university ministries in our province. Internationally we help build schools, drill freshwater wells, and respond to humanitarian disasters as well as support the personal budgets of people who feel called across the globe to serve in their country of burden. All this is done so that those in our city, our province and our world can experience the purest love imaginable.
Broadway Church is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada and is aligned with these Essential Truths which can be found in the Statement of Essential Truths and Positions and Practices found here.
2700 E Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5M 1Y8
BROADWAY CHURCH (604) 253 2700 - CITYREACH (604) 254 2489
Charity #10681 2811RR0001 - Broadway Church. 2018
Broadway Church is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
“Broadway Church recognizes that we serve God upon land historically stewarded by the Indigenous peoples.
With all honor, dignity, and respect, we pray for and seek reconciliation, just as Christ has reconciled us.”