Jesus encourages us to “understand the times” (Luke 12:54-56). Today, we will learn how to understand our modern-day Babylonian culture and how to be resilient in our faith like Daniel did in Ancient Babylon.
Jesus encourages us to “understand the times” (Luke 12:54-56). Today, we will learn how to understand our modern-day Babylonian culture and how to be resilient in our faith like Daniel did in Ancient Babylon.
Jesus encourages us to not only understand the times but to “engage in the times” (Luke 12:54-56). Today, we will learn how to thrive in a modern-day Babylon and how to be resilient in our faith like Daniel did with King Nebuchadnezzar.
Jesus encourages us to not only understand the times but to “engage in the times” (Luke 12:54-56). Today, we will learn how to thrive in a modern-day Babylon and how to be resilient in our faith like Daniel did with King Nebuchadnezzar.
Jesus encourages us to “transform the times” (Luke 12:54-56). Today, we will see how Ancient Babylon experienced three different moves of God through the life of Daniel. And, how to be resilient in our faith in a modern-day Babylonian culture.
Jesus encourages us to “transform the times” (Luke 12:54-56). Today, we will see how Ancient Babylon experienced three different moves of God through the life of Daniel. And, how to be resilient in our faith in a modern-day Babylonian culture.
2700 E Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5M 1Y8
BROADWAY CHURCH (604) 253 2700 - CITYREACH (604) 254 2489
Charity #10681 2811RR0001 - Broadway Church. 2018
Broadway Church is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
“Broadway Church recognizes that we serve God upon land historically stewarded by the Indigenous peoples.
With all honor, dignity, and respect, we pray for and seek reconciliation, just as Christ has reconciled us.”