With scandals around TV evangelists owning jets and pastors living in mansions, what really goes on behind the scenes when it comes to churches and finances? Particularly, what goes on behind the scenes when it comes to Broadway Church and finances? Why does Broadway Church receive offerings every week and what happens to the money that is given in those offerings every week? These are the questions that we tackle in today’s “You Asked For It” topic!
2700 E Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5M 1Y8
BROADWAY CHURCH (604) 253 2700 - CITYREACH (604) 254 2489
Charity #10681 2811RR0001 - Broadway Church. 2018
Broadway Church is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
“Broadway Church recognizes that we serve God upon land historically stewarded by the Indigenous peoples.
With all honor, dignity, and respect, we pray for and seek reconciliation, just as Christ has reconciled us.”